A group of actions: Vision

The action recognizes the text from the document, divides it into blocks and returns it in a tabular form.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
Path to fileThe path to the file to extract the data from. Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, tif, pdf.Robin.FilePath
Page numberThe page number in the document from which to extract data. If the field is empty, data will be retrieved from all pages.Robin.Numeric
LanguageThe suggested language of the text to extract.Robin.String
AlgorithmIf Text is selected, the action only recognizes text data. If «Table», the action only recognizes tabular data. If «Text and Table», the action recognizes any data.Robin.String
Distance between wordsThe maximum distance between words in the document’s text data. Used to divide text into columns in the resulting table. The default value is 20 pixels.Robin.Numeric
Distance between linesThe maximum distance between lines in the document’s text data. Used to divide text into lines in the resulting table. The default value is 1 pixel.Robin.Numeric
Folder pathThe path to the folder where the image of the document page will be saved with the overlay blocks into which the action has divided the data. To save the file, you also need to fill in the «File name» field.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgNo
File nameTitle of the document page image with overlaid blocks (no extension). If the action retrieves data from several pages, then a separate file will be created for each of them, to the name of which an index will be added. To save the file, you also need to fill in the «Path to folder» field.Robin.String
OverwriteIf the value is «true» and an image file with the same name, index, and extension exists in the specified folder, the new file will overwrite it. If «false», the file will not be overwritten and the action will return an error.Robin.BooleantrueNo
ParametersAdditional parameters that affect the result and quality of text recognition.Robin.String
SignIf the value is «true», then the word «Part» will be added before each recognized tabular or text part with the ordinal number of this part. If the value is «false», a blank line will be inserted before these parts.Robin.BooleantrueNo
TableA table generated from data retrieved from a source document.Robin.DataTable

Path to image with blocksCollection of paths to image files of document pages with overlaid blocks.Robin.Collection

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