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Get text from property Version 16 (Net)

Action group: Windows


The action returns the selected element property value.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

СвойствоОписаниеТипПример заполненияОбязательность заполнения поля
ЭлементРесурс который хранит данные о выбранном элементе приложенияRobin.WinElement
Имя свойстваИмя свойства.Robin.String
Тайм-аутВремя в миллисекундах, в течении которого будет происходить поиск нужного окна.Robin.Numeric
Номер окнаЕсли найдено несколько окон, то действие взаимодействует с окном под указанным номеромRobin.Numeric
РезультатЗначение выбранного свойства элемента.Robin.String

Special conditions of use

Preliminary activation of the window with the element is not needed.

The group does not work with taskbar, explorer, and workspace.

Example of use


There is an open "Parameters" window. Get text from property  = IsPasswordProperty


Use the "Get text from property" actions.


  1. Move the "Get text from property" action to the workspace.

  2. Set the "Get text from property" action parameters. Get the element with the WinSpy tool. Working with WinSpy is described in section Get Win-element
    Setting a timeout does not, in general, increase the execution time of an action beyond the time it takes for the item we are using in the action to become visible and accessible. During the set timeout, the action tries to access the element it is working with. As soon as the item is available, the waiting timeout expires.
    More about element properties: https://learn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/uwp/api/windows.ui.xaml.automation.automationelementidentifiers.ispasswordproperty?view=winrt-22621

  3. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully.

Element property = IsPasswordProperty was obtained.

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