The following actions are required to configure and set up the program using RobinLdbConfigUpdater.exe utility:
- Run command line interpreter cmd.
- Run the utility:
Robin Platform\2.0.0\Utils\RobinLdbConfigUpdater.exe
In case configurator is started without parameters, the cmd window will contain a list of parameters for software configuration:
- In order to change the software configuration, it is necessary to enter a command with the required options and set the values of these options, for example:
Robin Platform\2.0.0\Utils\RobinLdbConfigUpdater.exe
The table below provides information about the options of the software configuration utility.
Software configuration utility options
Command | Description |
--VERYSILENT --SUPPRESSMSGBOXES --ALLUSERS | Quiet software installation for all users |
--VERYSILENT --SUPPRESSMSGBOXES --CURRENTUSER | Quiet software installation for the current user |
--SkipNetCoreCheck=Yes | Forced skipping of the check for Net Core 5 installed |
--RobinServer=" " | Central (RMS) server address |
--RmsUriScheme=" " | Scheme of work with RMS - permissible values http/https |
--RmsUriPort=" " | RMS server port |
--RabbitUriScheme=" " | Scheme of work with RabbitMQ permissible values amqp/amqps |
--RabbitPort=" " | Rabbit connection port |
--RabbitLogin=" " | Rabbit connection login |
--RabbitPassword=" " | Rabbit connection password |
--LdapBaseServerDn=" " | LDAP tree DN (Base Distinguished Name) in the form: dc=xx,dc=yy,dc=zz... |
--LdapBaseUserDn=" " | User DN in LDAP tree in the form cn=xxx,cn=yyy... |
--ClientToken=" " | Client token (for cloud installations only) |
--CacheRobotDependencies="true|false" | Packet cache management (Enterprise/Cloud) |
LdapBaseServerDn в формате dn=xxx dс=yyy | Setup for LDAP server connection |
LdapBaseUserDn в формате cn=users cn=account | Configuring access to the folder on the LDAP server where user data is stored |
LdapAuthMode | Setup for login and password authorization, when User:Kerberos command is entered, it allows authorization using a Windows account |
LdapPort | Connection port to the LDAP server |