A group of actions: Excel

The action copies the chart to the specified sheet of the specified document.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
Source contextAction context where the chart will be taken from.Robin.ExcelExcel contextYes
Target contextAction context where the chart will be inserted. If the parameter is not selected, the source context file will be taken.Robin.ExcelExcel contextNo
Sheet IDID of the sheet where the chart will be inserted. If the parameter is omitted, the chart will be inserted into the active sheet of the target context.Robin.String No
Sheet identification methodThe parameter sets the identification method of the sheet to activate: via name or index.Robin.String Yes
Chart indexID of the chart to be copied.Robin.Numeric Yes
CellAddress of the cell where the chart will be inserted. If the parameter is not specified, the chart will be inserted in the upper-left corner of the sheet.Robin.String No
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