A group of actions: Excel

The action is intended to find and replace a value in an Excel document.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel document.Robin.ExcelExcel contextYes
To findValue to be found.Robin.String Yes
Replace withValue to replace the required text with. If the field is not filled in, the found text will be cut out of the cell.Robin.String No
Replace optionText replacement mode.Robin.String No
Case sensitiveParameter that makes the search case-sensitive. If the value is «true», the case of the letters of the required value will be taken into account.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Search methodThe rule that will be taken into account when searching.Robin.String No
ResultDictionary with modified cells, where the key is the index of the cell, the value is the value of the cell.Robin.Dictionary  
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