A group of actions: Excel

The action saves the document in the selected format

Action icon


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel documentRobin.ExcelExcel contextYes
FolderThe path to the folder where the document will be saved. If the field is left blank, then the file is saved in the same folder in which the original file was opened. You can enter it manually, or select a folder in the «Select folder» modal window using the «three dots» button.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgNo
File nameThe name of the new document to be created. If this field is left blank, then the file is saved with the same name that the document had when it was opened.Robin.String No
FormatFormat of document to save. If this field is empty, the file will be saved in the format the document had when it was opened.Robin.String No
Path to fileFull path to the saved file.Robin.FilePath  
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