A group of actions: Excel

The action is intended to rename a sheet in Excel.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel documentRobin.ExcelExcel contextYes
Sheet identification methodChoosing the identification method to rename the sheet: by name or index.Robin.String Yes
Sheet nameThe name of the sheet to which the action will be applied. If the parameter points to a hidden sheet, the action will fail.Robin.String No
Sheet indexSequence number of the sheet to apply the action to. Numbering starts with «1». If the parameter points to a hidden sheet, the action will fail.Robin.Numeric No
New name of the sheetNew name of the sheet. Length of the name is limited by 31st character, contain «:», «/», «», «? «, «*», «[» and «]», otherwise the action will fail with an error.Robin.String Yes
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