A group of actions: SpreadSheets

The action sets and applies filter to the specified range of cells

Action icon


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextIndentifier of session for actionRobin.SpreadShee tsSpreadSheets contextYes
Document IDIndentifier of document for actionRobin.String Yes
SheetName of working sheet. По умолчанию первый лист документа.Robin.String No
From сellAddress of starting сell to apply filter in format «XY», where «X» - column name and «Y» - row index.Robin.String No
To cellAddress of last сell to apply filter in format «XY», where «X» - column name and «Y» - row index.Robin.String No
ColumnName of column to apply filter. By default «A»Robin.String No
CriteriaFilter criteria in the format «={value}», «<{value}», «>{value}», «>={value}», «<={value}» or «!={Value}». If the field value is not filled in, then filtering will be set by the value «(Empty)».Robin.String No
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