A group of actions: SpreadSheets

The action returns the address of the cell containing the specified text.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextIdentifier of the session to which the action will be applied.Robin.SpreadShee tsSpreadSheets contextYes
Document IDIdentifier of the document to apply the action to.Robin.String Yes
SheetName of working sheet. By default, the first sheet of the document.Robin.String No
Start cell columnColumn of the initial cell from which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.String No
Start cell rowRow of the initial cell from which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.Numeric No
End Cell columnColumn of the end cell to which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.String No
End Cell rowRow of the destination cell to which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.Numeric No
TextText to be searched for.Robin.String Yes
Skip hiddenHidden cells will not participate in the search.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Search methodSearch method. Full-text search will be applied by default.Robin.String No
ResultDictionary with elements - found cells: element key = cell address, element value = cell value.Robin.Dictionary  
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