A group of actions: SpreadSheets

The action returns the number of rows. Strings within the context range used are considered. If you enter a column outside of this range, the action will produce an empty result.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextIdentifier of the session to which the action will be applied.Robin.SpreadShee tsSpreadSheets contextYes
Document IDIdentifier of the document to apply the action to.Robin.String Yes
SheetName of working sheet. By default, the first sheet of the document.Robin.String No
ColumnColumn of the cell in which the absence of values will be checked.Robin.String Yes
Skip hidden cellsCount only visible lines.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Skip emptyCount only filled lines.Robin.BooleantrueNo
ResultVariable in which the number of rows will be written.Robin.Numeric  
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