A group of actions: None

The action sequentially fills the cells of the column with values from the specified list, starting from some starting cell of the column.


Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
ContextAction context for ods/xlsx documentRobin.OpenSheetD oc
Column nameThe name of the column in which the values will be set. If the field is empty, then the value is taken from the field «Column number».Robin.String
Column numberThe number of the column to which the action will be applied. Numbering starts from 1. If the field is empty, then the value is taken from the «Column name» field.Robin.Numeric
Start line numberThe row number, starting from which the values in the cells of the column will be filled. Numbering starts from 1Robin.Numeric
Cell valuesA list of values that will fill the cells in the column.Robin.Collection
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