A group of actions: None

The action searches for elements and returns the first element that matches the specified criteria. If there are no suitable items in the queue, the action waits for them to appear for the time specified in the «Timeout, ms» field.

Action icon


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
GroupThe name of an existing queue group that contains the queue in which to search for an element.Robin.String
QueueThe name of an existing queue in which the element will be searched.Robin.String
TagsA collection of strings where each element is a separate queue element tag. The action will search among those elements that have at least one of the listed tags.Robin.Collection
StatusThe status that the searched element should have.Robin.String
Min. priorityThe minimum value of the search range for elements by priority. If the same value is specified in the «Max. priority» field, the search will be performed only among elements that have the specified value.Robin.Numeric
Max. priorityThe maximum value of the search range for elements by priority. If the same value is specified in the «Min. priority» field, the search will be performed only among elements that have the specified value.Robin.Numeric
Min. date and time of creationThe minimum value of the search range for elements by the date and time of its creation. If the same value is specified in the «Max. date and time of creation» field, the search will be performed only among elements that have the specified value.Robin.DateTime
Max. date and time of creationThe maximum value of the search range for elements by the date and time of its creation. If the same value is specified in the «Min. date and time of creation» field, the search will be performed only among elements that have the specified value.Robin.DateTime
Min. date and time of updateThe minimum value of the search range for items by the date and time it was updated. If the same value is specified in the «Max. update date and time» field, the search will be performed only among elements that have the specified value.Robin.DateTime
Max. date and time of updateThe maximum value of the search range for items by the date and time it was updated. If the same value is specified in the «Min. update date and time» field, the search will only be performed among elements that have the specified value.Robin.DateTime
Sorting typeSorting type of found elements to select one of them. At first all matching elements will be found and then sorted; the action will return the first element from the sorted list.Robin.String
Disable readingIf the value is «true», the action will lock the found element for reading by other robots, and also hide it in the queue. The hidden element will not be found by other robots when searching by condition.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Disable writingIf the value is «true», the action will block the found element from being updated for other robots. If the item is already blocked for updating by another robot and has not been unblocked within the timeout, the action will return an error.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Finish item processingIf the value is «true», the action will get the content of the element and change its status to «Processed». In the new status, the element will become inaccessible to robots even by its ID.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Timeout, msWaiting time for the required element to appear in the queue, as well as the release of the write lock from the element. If «-1» is specified, the action will wait indefinitely. The action will return an error if the item’s status is changed to «Processed» or «Error». Specified in milliseconds.Robin.Numeric
TagsA collection of strings where each element is a separate tag of element in the queue.Robin.Collection

PriorityThe priority of the element over other elements in the queue.Robin.Numeric

Date and time of creationThe date and time the item was added to the queue.Robin.DateTime

Date and time of updateThe date and time the item was updated.Robin.DateTime

ValueThe value of the found element of the queue.Robin.Object

Element IDThe unique ID of the queue element.Robin.String

StatusThe current status of the item.Robin.String

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