A group of actions: Processes

The action start script file

Action icon 


Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
InterpreterInterpreter to execute commandRobin.String
Script fileThe path to the file from the resource containing the script to be executed. The file has the extension .bat for the CommandLine interpreter or .ps1 for the PowerShell interpreter.Robin.FilePath
ArgumentsSet of arguments to start the process with.Robin.String
Completed successfullyA boolean variable that is returned when the process ends. True - the script was executed successfully, false - not successfullyRobin.Booleantrue
TableA variable of the Table type, where the result is written in the Output column, the Error column contains an error that occurred during the operation of the action, and the ExitCode column contains the number 0 or 1, where 0 - the script was executed successfully, 1 - not successful.Robin.DataTable

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