A group of actions: None

The action trains the text classification model.


Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
The path to the source folderThe path to the data folder for training the classification model. Inside the folder there are subfolders whose names are the name of the class. Inside each subfolder there should be txt files with various texts that correspond to the class.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgYes
Path to the resulting folderThe path to the folder where the trained classification model will be saved.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgYes
MethodThe method that will be used to train the classification model. The default value is RandomForest.Robin.String
OverwriteIf the value is «true», and a file with the same name and extension already exists in the folder with the result, then it will be overwritten. If «false», the file will not be overwritten, and the action will return an error.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Custom Stop WordsThe path to the txt file that contains stop words that will not be taken into account when training the classification model. Each stop word must be written on a new line.Robin.FilePath
Word combinationThe path to the txt file containing phrases, which, when training the model, it is important not to divide into separate words in order to preserve the meaning of the entire phrase. Each phrase must be written on a new line.Robin.FilePath
ResultThe percentage of accuracy of the trained model.Robin.Numeric

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