A group of actions: Selenium

The action save image from web-page in file on local PC and return path to file

Action icon 


Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
ContextAction context for working with the browser.Robin.SeleniumBrowser contextYes
ElementWeb element with imageRobin.WebElement
Folder pathPath to folder to save imageRobin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgYes
Image sourceSource of saved image. There are 3 options available: 1) Resource URL. Saves images by URL. Suitable for images enclosed in an img tag. Not suitable for saving captcha and other types of images. 2) Scripts (JS script is used). Saves image using JS scripts. Suitable for saving any images, including captcha. 3) Screenshot (JS script is used). Cuts an image from a screenshot of a browser window. Allows you to save images that do not go beyond the browser window, including captcha.Robin.String
Path to image filePath to image fileRobin.ImageC:\doc\img.png
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