A group of actions: Tables

This action is intended to filter the table by the value of the specified column.

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Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
Data tableTable for which the action will be performed.Robin.DataTable
Column nameName of the column by which the table will be filtered. If the field is not filled, then the value from the «Column index» field is taken.Robin.String
Column indexIndex of the column by which the table will be filtered. Indexing starts at 0. If the «Column name» field is filled in, the value in the «Column index» field is ignored. Default value is «0».Robin.Numeric
CriteriaFiltration criterion. Filled in the format «=value», «<value», «>value», «>=value», «<=value», «<>value». If the field value is not filled in, filtering will be set by the value «(Empty)».Robin.String
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