A group of actions: Vision

The action retrieves the data of the data field from the selected document.


Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
File pathThe path to the file to extract the data from. Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, bmp, png.Robin.FilePath
API keyA unique identifier for accessing the service.Robin.String
Cloud serverIf the value is «true», the action will send a request to the DBrain cloud server. If «false», the action will send a request to the local DBrain server.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Document typeThe type of document to extract data from.Robin.String
Folder pathThe path to the folder where a copy of the source file with superimposed blocks will be saved, into which the recognition action divides it. To save it, you also need to fill in the «File name» field.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgNo
File nameThe name of the copy of the source file with superimposed blocks (without extension). The image will be created with the * .png extension. To save it, you also need to fill in the «Folder path» field.Robin.String
Time outThe time in milliseconds during which data will be extracted from the document. The default value is 120000 ms.Robin.Numeric
OverwriteIf «true», and a file with the same name and extension exists in the specified folder, then a new file with blocks will overwrite it. If «false», the file will not be overwritten, and the action will return an error.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Extracted textThe data of each field in the document extracted from the original image.Robin.Dictionary

Image with blocksThe path to the image file with superimposed blocks.Robin.FilePath

Recognition confidenceThe accuracy of recognition of each field in the image is in the range from 0 to 1. The key is the name of the field, the value is the accuracy of recognition of this field.Robin.Dictionary

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