A group of actions: XML

The action checks for the presence of an element in the specified XML document.

Action icon 


Property Description Type Filling example Mandatory field
XML-document contextThe XML document in which the existence of the element will be checked.Robin.XMLXML contextYes
Search methodThe parameter sets the element search method.Robin.String
Element NameThe name of the element to be checked for existence. If search by name is selected in the «Search Method» field, this field must be filled in. If a different search method is selected, the value in this field will not be taken into account.Robin.String
Element’s XPathThe path to the element that needs to be checked for existence. If XPath search is selected in the «Search Method» field, this field must be filled in. If a different search method is selected, the value in this field will not be taken into account.Robin.String
ResultThe action will return «true» if the element is contained in the XML document, or «false» if the element is not found.Robin.Booleantrue
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