Action group: Excel Activate sheet

Action icon


  • 5 (net)
  • 4 (net)
  • 3 (net)
  • 2 (net)
  • 1 (net)

The action makes the worksheet active. If both parameters "Sheet name" and "Sheet index" are not specified, an error will be caused


Example of filling in
Obligatory to fill in the field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel documentExcel instanceContext excelYes
Sheet identification methodThe parameter specifies the way the sheet is identified for activation: via name or indexString Yes
Sheet nameThe name of the sheet to which the action will be applied. If the parameter indicates a hidden sheet, the action will cause an error.String No
Sheet indexThe sequence number of the sheet to which the action will be applied. The sequence number starts with "1". If the parameter indicates a hidden sheet, the action will cause an error.Numeric No
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