Find text Version 13 (.Net)

Action group: Excel 


The action returns the address of the cell that contains the given text.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel documentRobin.ExcelExcel contextYes
Start cell column nameThe column name of the starting cell from which the search will be performed. If the field is not filled, then the value from the «Start cell column index» field is taken.Robin.String
Start cell column indexThe column index of the starting cell from which the search will be performed. If the field is not filled, then the border of the used area is taken.Robin.Numeric
Start cell rowRow of the starting cell from which the search will be performed. By default, the bounds of the used area are applied from the context.Robin.Numeric
End cell column nameThe column name of the ending cell to which the search will be performed. If the field is not filled, then the value from the «End cell column index» field is taken.Robin.String
End cell column indexThe column index of the ending cell to which the search will be performed. If the field is not filled, then the border of the used area is taken.Robin.Numeric
End cell rowRow of the destination cell to which the search will be performed. By default, the bounds of the used area are applied from the context.Robin.Numeric
Skip hiddenHidden cells will not be searched.Robin.BooleantrueNo
TextThe text to be searched for.Robin.String
Search methodSearch method. Full-text search will be applied by default.Robin.String
ResultDictionary with elements - found cells: element key = cell address, element value = cell value.Robin.Dictionary

Special conditions of use

If the search range field is not specified, the search is performed over the entire usable area on the sheet.

Example of use


There is an Excel-document.

Find the word "RUB" or text in this document.


Use the "Open", "Find text", "Save" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.

2. Set the "Open 1" action parameters.

3. Set the "Find text" action parameters.

4. Set the "Save" action parameters.

5. Click "Start" and see the result.


The desired word was found successfully.

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