Row data Version 14 (Net)

Action group: Excel 


The action returns all values in the working range of the specified page.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel documentRobin.ExcelExcel contextYes
RowRow index from which the data will be received. If you enter a string outside the working range, the action will return an empty result.Robin.Numeric
Starting column nameName of the column where the starting cell of the working range is located. If the field is not filled, then the value from the «Starting column index» field is taken.Robin.String
Starting column indexThe index of the column where the starting cell of the working range is located.Robin.Numeric
Final column nameName of the column that contains the end cell of the working range. If the field is not filled, then the value from the «Final column index» field is taken.Robin.String
Final column indexThe index of the column that contains the end cell of the working range.Robin.Numeric
Skip hiddenBoolean variable. If the parameter value is True, then only visible cells are returned, otherwise - everything.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Skip emptyBoolean variable. If the parameter value is True, then only filled cells are returned.Robin.BooleantrueNo
ResultThe variable in which the values ​​from the row will be writtenRobin.Collection

Special conditions of use

The active context range is applied.

If you enter a string outside of this range, the action will return an empty result.

If you enter columns outside of this range, the action will trim the extra cells.

Example of use


There is an Excel-document where you want to retrieve data from a certain row.


Use the "Open" "Row data", "Save" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.
  2. Set the "Open" action parameters.


3. Set the "Row data" action parameters.


4. Set the "Save" action parameters.

5. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The row data from columns A to C was retrieved.

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