Find text Version 8 (Net)

Action group: Google services 


The action returns the address of the cell containing the specified text.

Action icon

Settings of parameters 

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextIdentifier of the session to which the action will be applied.Robin.SpreadShee tsSpreadSheets contextYes
Document IDIdentifier of the document to apply the action to.Robin.String
SheetName of working sheet. By default, the first sheet of the document.Robin.String
Start cell columnColumn of the initial cell from which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.String
Start cell rowRow of the initial cell from which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.Numeric
End Cell columnColumn of the end cell to which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.String
End Cell rowRow of the destination cell to which the search will be performed. By default, the boundaries of the used area from the context are applied.Robin.Numeric
TextText to be searched for.Robin.String
Skip hiddenHidden cells will not participate in the search.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Search methodSearch method. Full-text search will be applied by default.Robin.String
ResultDictionary with elements - found cells: element key = cell address, element value = cell value.Robin.Dictionary

Special conditions of use

The Google Sheets API has a limit of up to 60 read-requests per user per minute. To ensure that the action does not immediately generate an error when the limit on the number of requests is reached, the action includes a loop operation that will resend requests within a minute.

  • If the request is completed in that time, the action will complete successfully.
  • If the request cannot be sent in this time, the robot will terminate with an error.

Example of use


There is a table with values:


Connect to Google Sheets and find text "Test2". 


Use the "Context Google tables", "Find Text", "Get value" actions. 


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions:
  2. Set the "Context Google tables" action parameters.

    Fill in the "The file path" and "Application name" fields (more about filling in these fields in section Instructions for setting up a connection to Google Sheets/Docs/Drive).
  3. Set the "Find text" action parameters.

    In the ID field specify the part of the table's link.
  4. Test the action by using the "Get value" action.
  5. Click "Start" in the top panel to start the robot.


The program robot completed successfully. The desired text is in cell "В3".

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