Get table Version 3 (Python)

Action group: PDF


The action returns the table from the specified page of the PDF-document.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
Path to filePath to the PDF file to extract the table from.Robin.FilePath
Start pageThe page in the document where the table starts. Numbering starts from 1. Default value is 1.Robin.Numeric
End PageThe page in the document where the table endsRobin.Numeric
Table numberThe sequence number of the table in the document on the specified page. Numbering starts from 1. Default value is 1.Robin.Numeric
HeadingIf the value is «true», the first row of the table will be highlighted separately as a header and will not be included in the rows with the contents of the table.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Remove duplicate headerIf the value is «true», indexes will be added to the same column names in the header of the resulting table. Numbering starts from 1.Robin.BooleantrueNo
TableA table generated from data retrieved from a source document.Robin.DataTable

Special conditions of use

The action only works with the text layer.

Example of use


There are two tables on the second page of the PDF-document. Extract the second table and save it to CSV.


Use the "Get table", "Table to CSV" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.

  2. Set the "Get table" action parameters. 

  3. Set the "Table to CSV" action parameters.

  4. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully.

 The table is extracted from the PDF-document and saved to CSV. 


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