Create bookmark Version 1 (Net)

Action group: Word


The action creates a bookmark in the specified place in a Word-document.

Specify the Word-document, the name of the new bookmark, the place of addition, the text relative to which the bookmark will be added, and the number of the match of this text in the document. It is also possible to specify the page number where the addition will be made.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

ContextThe context of an open Word-document. You can open a Word document using the "Open document" action (the "Word" action group).
Bookmark nameThe name of the new bookmark. Name restrictions: the document must not contain a bookmark with the same name; does not exceed 40 characters; begins with a letter; there are no spaces.
Page numberThe page number of the document where the new bookmark will be set. If the parameter is not filled in, the text will be searched throughout the entire document.
Place of additionThe location of the bookmark relative to the specified text. There are 3 options available: Before text, After text, Insert text into the bookmark. When you select "Insert text into a bookmark", the specified text will be the bookmark.
TextThe text in the document relative to which the new bookmark will be set.
Match number of the textThe number of the text match, relative to which the bookmark will be set. The numbering starts with 1. If you need to specify the last match in the document, but the sequence number of the match is unknown, then specify -1.

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextThe Word document instance to which the action will be applied.Robin.WordWord contextYes
Bookmark nameThe name of the new bookmark. Must start with a letter, have no spaces, and be no longer than 40 characters. If the document already has a bookmark with the same name, the robot will return an error.Robin.String
Page numberThe page number of the Word document on which the new bookmark will be set. If the field is not filled in, the search for the insertion point of the bookmark will be carried out throughout the document.Robin.Numeric
TextThe text in the Word document to which the bookmark will be added.Robin.String
Place of additionThe location of the bookmark relative to the specified text.Robin.String
Match number of the textThe ordinal number of the match of the specified text in the Word document. Numbering starts at 1. To find the last match, you must specify -1.Robin.Numeric

Special conditions of use

More about bookmarks in Word: Bookmarks in Word

  1. If the document already contains a bookmark with the specified name, the robot will return an error.
  2. If the user does not specify the page number, the text will be searched throughout the entire document.
  3. If the user specified the order number of the match that does not exist in the document, the robot will return an error.
  4. If the user specifies the order number of the match "0" or lower than "-1", the robot will return an error.
  5. If the user specifies the text that does not exist in the document, the robot will return an error.
  6. If the user specifies the non-existent page number, the robot will return an error.

Example of use


You have a Word-document. Create a new bookmark after the text "Кавказский пленник".



Use the "Open document", "Create bookmark", "Save as", "Close document" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions:

  2. Set the "Open document" action parameters. In the "Path to file" field set the path to the Word-document file. In the "Visible" field check the checkbox = true.

  3. Set the "Create bookmark" action parameters. In the "Context" field specify the Word-document instance where the bookmark needs to be created. in the "Bookmark name" specify the name of the new bookmark. In the "Text" field specify "Кавказский пленник". In the "Place of addition" field specify "After text". In the "Match number of the text" specify 1.

  4. Set the "Save as" action parameters. In the "Context" field specify the Word-document instance to be saved.

  5. Set the "Close document" action parameters. In the "Context" field specify the Word-document instance to be closed.

  6. Click "Start" in the top panel to start the robot.


The program robot completed successfully. The new bookmark was created.

Bookmark names in the Word-document:

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