Get active URL Version 10 (Java)

Action group: Browsers


This action is intended to navigate within the current tab to the specified URL

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with the browserRobin.SeleniumBrowser contextYes
ResultThe resulting variable to which the current URL will be writtenRobin.String

Special conditions of use

It is possible to write without “www”, for example "".

Example of use


Open browser and follow the link, save this link to a string type variable for further use, open the link in a new tab, next - close browser.


Use the "Open Browser", "Navigate", "Get active URL", "Navigate", "Close browser" actions. 


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.
  2. Set the "Open Browser" action parameter.
  3. Set the "Navigate" action parameters.

  4. Set the "Get active URL" action parameters. As the action result specify a URL string type variable created earlier.  
  5. Set the "Navigate" action parameters.
  6. Set the "Close browser" action parameters.
  7. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully.


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