"Not Eqv" Inequality Version 3 (Net)

Action group: Operators


Returns True if both operands have different values.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
First operand of boolean typeFirst operand of boolean typeRobin.BooleantrueYes
Second operand of boolean typeSecond operand of boolean typeRobin.BooleantrueYes
ResultThe resulting variable, true if the boolean variables are not equal, false otherwise.Robin.Booleantrue

Special conditions of use


Example of use 


There is a "Logical variable 1" with value = true and "Logical variable 2" with value = false. We need to check the following expression: Logical Variable 1 is NOT EQUAL to Logical Variable 2. If the result is positive, output a dialog box with a message - true, if the result is negative, the message - false. 


Use the actions "Inequality", "If", "Message". 


  1. Assemble a robot scheme consisting of actions: 

  2. Create a variable with type logical "Logical variable 3" to record the result of action "Inequality" into it. 
  3. Move the "Inequality" action to the workspace and set its parameters. 
  4. Move the "If" action to the workspace and specify "Logical variable 3" in the action parameter. 
  5. Add the "Show message" action to the "Truth" branch and set its parameters.
  6. Add the "Show message" action to the "False" branch and set its parameters.
  7. Start the robot using the "Start" button and the top panel. 


The comparison of variable values has been performed successfully.  

A dialog box with the result is displayed. 

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