Execute the command in the Linux terminal Version 1 (Python)

Action group: Processes


The action executes the specified command on a Linux terminal. The action returns a table containing the result of the command execution

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextThe instance of the session in which the command must be executed.Robin.SshSession
CommandThe command to be executed.Robin.String
Execution statusIf the value is «true», then the command is executed successfully. If the value is «false», then the command is completed with errors.Robin.Booleantrue
Execution ReportThe table with the result of the team’s work. The «Output» column records the data received during the execution of the command. The «Error» column records the text of the error that occurred during the execution of the command.Robin.DataTable

Special conditions of use


Example of use

Prerequisite for all cases. The "Connect to Linux terminal" action is installed and configured on the workspace.


Specifying the correct command

Prerequisite. In the "Connect to Linux terminal" action, the correct connection parameters are specified.


  1. Set the " Execute the command in the Linux terminal" action on the workspace.
  2. Correctly fill in the parameters: "Command" - specify the correct command for the Linux terminal.
  3. Launch the robot.


The action returned the parameters: "Execution status" - true, "Execution report" - a table with the result of the command execution. 


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