Extract decree data Version 3 (Net)

Action group: Text


The action extracts laws, decrees, resolutions, and orders from the text.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
TextText for analysis.Robin.String
ResultCollection of extracted data. If the same entity appears several times in the text, it will be written once in the resulting array.Robin.Collection

Special conditions of use

If the same entity appears several times in the text, it will be recorded once in the resulting array.

Example of use


There is a text fragment:

"The Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on 11.06.2021) "On consumer Protection"
This Law regulates relations between consumers and manufacturers, performers, importers,
sellers, owners of aggregators of information about goods (services) when selling goods (performing works, rendering services),
establishes the rights of consumers to purchase goods (works, services) of appropriate quality and safe for life, health,
property of consumers and the environment, obtaining information about goods (works, services) and about their manufacturers (performers, sellers),
about the owners of aggregators of information about goods (services), education, state and public protection of their interests,
and also determines the mechanism for the implementation of these rights."

Extract the number and name of the law and show it in a dialogue box.


Use the "Extract decree data", "Show message", "Get value by index" actions.


  1. Create a variable "Collection" where the "Extract decree data" action result will be written into.

  2. Move the "Extract decree data" action to the workspace.
  3. Set the "Text" parameter of the "Extract decree data" action.

    Add "Collection" variable in the result.

  4. Move the "Get value by index" action to the workspace.
  5. Set the "Get value by index" action parameters.

  6. Move the "Show message" action to the workspace.

  7. Set the "Show message" action parameters.
    In the "Message text" field add the "Get value by index" action result.

  8. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully. The desired value is displayed in the dialogue window.

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