Get information about a folder Version 1 (Python)

Action group: FIle system


The action retrieves the properties of the specified folder.

Action icon


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
FolderThe path to the folder whose properties you want to get.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgYes
NameThe name of the specified folder.Robin.String

SizeThe size of the specified folder. It is calculated in kilobytes.Robin.Numeric

Date of creationThe date the specified folder was created.Robin.DateTime

Date of changeThe date the specified folder was modifiedRobin.DateTime

Special conditions of use 

  1. The folder size is calculated in Kilobytes. The result should be a number without unit. The number can be a non-integer. Example: The size of the folder is 5.2Gb. The result of the action: 5452595.2
  2. If the specified folder or a folder in the path is unreadable, the action will generate the error "The specified folder is unavailable.".

Example of use


Get folder size.


Use the "Get information about a folder" action. 


  1. Move the "Get information about a folder" to the workspace.

  2. Correctly fill in the parameters. "Folder" - specify the path to the folder, the size of which is several gigabytes.  

  3. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel. 


The action returned 4 folder properties: "Name", "Size", "Date of creation", "Date of change". The folder size is specified without unit and is calculated in kilobytes.

Repeat the case for folders that are several megabytes/kilobytes/bytes in size.

Task 2

Get information about a folder that is not readable.


Use the "Get information about a folder" action. 


  1. Move the "Get information about a folder" action to the workspace .

  2. Correctly fill in the parameters. "Folder" - specify the path to the folder inaccessible for reading.
  3. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel. 


The action caused an error. 
"The specified folder is inaccessible."

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