Finish resource processing Version 6 (Java)

Action group: Orchestrator Subgroup: Resource queues


The action finishes the processing of the resource in the resource queue. The resource status will be changed to "Processed". The resource will be unavailable to robots.

The action sends a request to set the "Processed" status to the resource created in the resource queue in the Orchestrator database. The resource is searched for by the specified resource identifier.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
IdentifierThe unique identifier of the resource.Robin.String
Timeout, msThe time to wait for a write lock to be released from a resource. Specified in milliseconds. If «-1» is specified, the action will wait indefinitely.Robin.Numeric

Special conditions of use

  1. If the resource is write-blocked and the initiator is not the current robot instance, the action waits for the lock to be lifted. If the resource is write-blocked and the initiator is the current robot instance, the action ignores the lock, still changing the status of the resource.
  2. If a resource is locked for reading, no matter who initiates the lock, the action ignores it, still changing the status of the resource.
  3. If the resource status has changed to "Error" or "Processed" while waiting for the write lock to be released, the action successfully completes before the timeout period expires.

Example of use


Finish resource processing.


Use the "Finish resource processing" action.


  1. Move the "Finish resource processing" action to the workspace and set its parameters. Set the mandatory "Identifier"* parameter.

2. Start the robot by clicking "Start" in the top panel.

*The resource ID can be viewed in the Queue Management panel in the "Identifier" column, and the resource ID can be obtained using the actions: "Get resource by condition", "Get collection of resources", "Create resource".


The program robot completed successfully.

The resource status has changed to "Processed". The resource became unavailable for search by other robots.

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