User authentication and authorization is available in the Enterprise delivery variant.  Accounts and role model are controlled and configured on the server side in the "Access control" module.  "Robin Player user".

  1. After launching ROBIN Studio or ROBIN Robot Enterpise, the user clicks on the "Login" button in the window that opens:

After launching the application, the ROBIN Agent connection indicator should be green.

  • For ROBIN Studio - the indicator is located in the upper right corner
  • For ROBIN Player, the indicator is located in the lower left corner

A green indicator indicates that ROBIN Studio or ROBIN Player is connected to the ROBIN Agent and the Agent is connected to the Orchestrator. When you move the cursor over the indicator, the corresponding prompt "Robin Studio is connected to Agent and Agent is connected to Orchestrator" will be displayed. If the indicator is red, there is no connection.

In this case you should:

  • check the connection settings to the Orchestrator
  • check Agent work, restart it if necessary
  • check the Orchestrator

2. After clicking on the "Login" button, the prompt "Log in in the browser tab that opens" will appear. This will open the window of your default browser to continue the login process.


If you accidentally close the tab that opened, you can click the "Login" button again - it's always clickable, and clicking it again will open another tab in the browser to continue the login process.

3. If you have previously logged in to other applications on the platform, the browser tab that opens will display:

In this case, you do not need to perform credentials entry again. If the user has the Robin Studio user role, the System will automatically allow you to log in to Studio.

If you have not logged in to the System before or have already logged out of the System, you need to log in on the opened browser tab as described below.

User authentication options

ROBIN supports two user authentication options:

  • Internal authentication. The user account is stored in an internal account store. In this case, the user enters a login and password when logging in to ROBIN applications
  • Domain authentication. A corporate (domain) account is used.

Logging in as an internal user

Logging in with an internal user account when there is no corporate Active directory collaboration configuration. In this case, the user login will be as follows:

a) First, the browser will display a window on the opened tab:

b) It should be skipped by clicking on the "Cancel" button.

c) The authorization page will open, where you must enter the login and password of the internal ROBIN user:

d) Click on the "Login" button.

Logging in as a domain user

Logging in under a domain user account is possible if the ROBIN platform has been configured to interact with Active Directory.  

  • If the user logs in from a PC or server in a domain and logs in to the operating system under a domain account, the user will be logged in automatically under the domain account after opening a tab in the browser. In this case, you will not need to enter your login and password.
  • If at least one of the conditions is not met, a page with fields for entering login and password will be opened. There you can try to log in under an internal user account, if such was created.

 Solving typical problems

  1. Each time you open a tab in the browser, Robin Studio starts counting down the timeout period of the login operation.

If Robin Studio has not received a response to its request and the timeout time has expired, the following message will appear in the "Login" window:


Need to try logging in again.

      2. If the error "Insufficient rights to work" occurs when trying to log in:


The message means that the user has not been assigned a role to work with the corresponding application. In this case, it is necessary to assign it through the "Access control" module.

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