What's new

ROBIN Studio

  • Added notification when launching Studio with ROBIN Agent turned off.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when there were several actions/resources whose names differed only by letter case. Now using such resources and actions does not cause Studio to terminate.
  • Changed display of Collection and Dictionary values in the log panel and in the value field. Now the number of items of a collection/dictionary is specified, not the full list of values
  • Added the ability to switch the application language between English and Russian. Now the English language setting affects only the names and descriptions of actions in the built-in documentation. The switch is located in the "Program settings" window and the change takes effect after restarting the studio.

ROBIN Player

  • Improved handling of launch parameters. The parameter selection window is now displayed at any robot launch and allows you to specify the logging level for robots without input parameters.

"Browsers" action group

  • When capturing an element in a browser with WebSpy, holding down Ctrl does not actually click on the element on the page
  • Added driver for Google Chrome version 97 for webSpy
  • Added compatibility with IE 5 and higher for "Click", "Send text", "Wait for element state", "Check element availability", "Get text" actions
  • Error handling has been improved for "Open browser" action, now when an error occurs in the action, a more accurate error is written in the log, especially if caused by browser settings

"File system" action group

  • Fixed error of "Unzip" action when specifying a long path to the archive.

"1C" action group

  • Added a new action group for working with 1C application via Odata, including:
    • "Connect to 1C" action, which allows you to establish a connection to the 1C server
    • The "Get entity" action
    • Action "Get list of entity" action "Patch entity" action.

"JSON" action group

A new action group has been added for working with files and text in *.json format, including:

  • The "Open" action allows you to open an existing .json file for further work
  • The "Clear" action allows you to erase the information used in the context
  • The "Get values" action, which allows you to get a collection of all available values
  • The "Get keys" action, which allows you to get a collection of all available keys
  • The "Get number of elements in a JSON" action to get the number of all available Key:Value pairs
  • The "Convert to dictionary" action to get a dictionary filled with Key:Value pairs used in json
  • The "Convert to string" action to get the json content as a string
  • The "Convert dictionary to a JSON" action, which allows you to use data from the dictionary to form the json context
  • The "Convert string to JSON" action, which allows you to use data from the string to generate the json context
  • The "Contains key" action, which allows you to check if the specified key is present in the json
  • A "Create a JSON" action that allows you to create a new json context that does not contain information
  • A "Save to file" action that allows you to save the value from the json context to the specified file with a .json extension
  • A "Compare" action that allows you to check if 2 json objects are the same
  • A " Remove value" action that allows you to remove a value from a specific key
  • The "Set value" action allows you to set the value of a key.

"Databases" action group

  • Fixed an error in the "Connect Custom Db" action. Now the action works correctly if you specify any value in the "Transaction isolation level" parameter.

"Integrations" action group

  • An error in the "Send request" action of the "REST" subgroup has been fixed. Now the action works correctly when using Cyrillic characters in the request text.

"Security" action group

  • Added a new action "Get password from remote storage", which allows you to retrieve a saved password, for example, from the IS with which the robot interacts, from a centralized storage on the ROBIN Orchestrator side.

"Google services" action group

The name of the group has been changed, the old name was Google spreadsheets. Now the group includes work with Google services:

  • New action "Connect to Google Docs", allowing you to establish a connection to a project with google docs API configured.
  • New "Create a new document" action that allows you to create new blank documents.
  • New "Connect to Google Drive" action, allowing you to establish a connection to a project with a customized google drive API.
  • New "Upload file" action that allows you to upload a specified file to drive.google.com
  • New "Get a list of files" action, which allows you to get a list of files the user has access to in drive.google.com
  • New "Download file" action that allows to download a file by specified id and additional properties.
  • Changed the process of saving service sessions. When connecting for the first time and selecting a user to be used to work with actions, the file with connection data is saved in the Robin Platform2.0.0.0Runs%user% folder for each of the services uses its own folder: GoogleDocsAuth, GoogleSpreadsheetsAuth, GoogleDriveAuth.

"Java windows" action group

  • Added new version of JavaSpy allowing to work with applications running with JVM x32.

"Base actions" action group

  • Fixed an issue that caused the robot to terminate prematurely after executing a Try-Catch action in java.
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