A group of actions: None

The action adds text to the document


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextContext for working with a documentRobin.OpenTextDo c Yes
Bookmarks nameThe name of the bookmark to be added to the document. Bookmark names must start with a letter. They can contain numbers and letters, but not spaces.Robin.String Yes
Insertion textThe text relative to the position of which the bookmark will be addedRobin.String Yes
Add text toThe location of the bookmark relative to the specified text. The bookmark will be added on the first match of the textRobin.String Yes
Sequence number of the matchThe ordinal number of the match of the value being searched for. If the field is empty, then the bookmark will be added by the first match of the text. Numbering starts at 1. To find the last match, you must specify -1.Robin.Numeric No
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