What's new

ROBIN Studio


  • On rare occasions when a robot project contains an action that does not have a version selected.

Now when running such a robot, the Error List tab displays an indication of the action that does not have a version specified, by double-clicking on the notification you can navigate to that action.

  • Changed handling of blank parameters in actions: if an action has a blank mandatory parameter, a notification appears when you try to start the robot and the robot does not start. All such actions are listed on the "Error List" tab and you can go to the action by double-clicking on the line. Unfilled parameters do not interfere with saving and, if the action is turned off, it does not participate in the check.
  • In case the robot project contains actions that are unknown to the studio, such projects will be opened, but it will not be possible to launch them. This can happen, for example, if the robot uses a custom action that has not been imported into the studio.
  • Optimized and accelerated the WinSpy work.
  • Improved WebSpy: if the standard WebSpy port is busy when connecting, WebSpy takes any other available port.
  • Improved automatic blocking of tabs with open projects and the ability to open the list of robots when the robot is running.
  • Accelerated robot termination after clicking on "Stop".


  • Fixed a bug where after changing the version of an action, a mass version change of that action would use the wrong version.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Studio to close when trying to close one of the open projects if a certain action was selected in it.
  • Fixed a bug that caused adding actions to the schema using Ctrl+click on them in the actions list to not work.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the studio to close when trying to publish a custom action or export a list of actions.
  • Fixed the ability of hotkeys to work, the key assignment can be viewed in the button's tooltip:
  • To work with a project: CTRL+N, CTRL+S, Ctrl+Shift+E, Ctrl+Shift+G, CTRL+F.
  • To work with actions: Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y , Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Х, Ctrl+G.
  • To start the robot: Shift + F1 - start, Shift + F2 - pause, Shift + F3 - Stop, Shift + F4 - soft stop, Shift + F5 - hard stop, Shift + F6 - restart, Shift + F7 - next step.
  • Fixed a bug that caused parameters with a dropdown list to visually clear the value when switching between actions.
  • Fixed a bug whereby when creating and publishing a custom action with a multi word name, 2 versions of that action could be added to the Studio.
  • Fixed a bug that when changing the version of an action to a version with a different parameter composition, such a robot would not run without reopening in the Studio.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain projects unable to open in Studio.
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect connection status to the agent during robot execution.
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to edit key names in the dictionary after the first save.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause action help to fail to open in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a breakpoint to work on a different action than the one on which it is set.

ROBIN Player

  • The "Attach screenshot" switch has been added to the setting of sending emails  at robot termination. If the "Attach screenshot" switch is activated, a screenshot of the screen will be taken at the moment of robot termination with an error and attached to the letter.
  • The mechanism of mailing after robots' termination has been improved, the logic of letter formation has been changed, now logs, screenshots and videos will be added to the letter only if the robot terminated with an error. In case of successful termination there will be only notification about successful robot termination.
  • Fixed a bug with scheduled launches where sometimes launching a robot could launch an additional instance of that robot.
  • The video file attached to the email in case of a robot error now has an .avi extension and is packaged in a .izma archive.
  • Fixed a bug that caused scheduled robots to stop launching when the machine was rebooted.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the connection state to the agent to be incorrectly detected during robot execution.
  • Stabilized robot startup and execution, including:
  • fixing a bug that caused an abnormal termination of a robot during a scheduled start.
  • accelerated tabular data processing when transferring tables from java and python to .net actions.
  • Stabilized operation of ROBIN Player. Fixed problems of abnormal termination during robot execution.

“JavaSpy” action group

  • Stabilized the operation of JavaSpy on Windows Server 2019.

“Outlook” action group

  • Improved "Read and save" action, fixed an error that occurred if certain service characters were used in emails.
  • Improved "Get email information" action:
  • added username conversion if the cn of a user in the domain is displayed in the email instead of the email address.
  • Fixed an error that occurred if service invisible characters were used in the message body.

“Browsers” action group

  • Improved the "Connect to open browser" action, added new parameters "Port" and "Address", allowing to change connection settings.

The port must match the one specified in the open browser startup parameter (-remote-debugging-port parameter). Now you can use the action to connect to a browser running on another machine accessible over the network, for this purpose the parameters must be specified in the settings of this browser:
–remote-debugging-address=*ip-address of the machine*,
–headless and –remote-debugging-port=*port to connect*.
• Improved the "Get element attribute" action, fixed the bug that when getting the checkbox property "checked", if the checkbox was unchecked, NULL was returned, now it returns false.
• The browser extension is published in the Chrome Web Store. You can install it at the following link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/robinrecorder/oonhlmoehhgddnimldaplfcgneajipgm/related?hl=ru

If you do not have access to the Internet, the extension can be installed from the folder with the installed platform:

 ..Robin Platform2.0.0UtilsWebSpyRobinPluginSigned.crx.

The extension is used to run WebSpy and WebRecorder and connect to an open browser and is compatible with GoogleChrome, Yandex.Browser, Opera, Edge browsers.

“Mail” action group

  • The java version of the "Get Message" action has been improved:
  • Now as well as in the .net version, attachments of each letter are saved in separate folders.
  • Adjusted table column names in the action result description.
  • Improved .net version of "Get message" action:
  • Fixed working with enabled "Include html text" checkbox, now html markup from the letter is saved.
  • Adjusted the description of the action result.

"Integrations" action group

  • Improved "Send request" action from "Rest" subgroup, now in the "Authorization" parameter you can specify a dictionary with keys like "Password" to protect confidential information.

“Windows” action group

  • Added an alternative way to search for items by xpath. In Win element properties, you can select a prioritized way to search for an element. Searching by xphath can be useful when a window element does not have permanent properties uniquely defining it.

“XML”action group

  • Added a new action "Check element existence" to check if a specified element exists in an XML document.

“Machine Vision” action group

  • Added a new action "Rotate image" that allows you to change the orientation of an image.

“Operators” action group

  • A new action "Round a number" has been added to the "Arithmetic" subgroup to round the specified number.

“Remote Access” action group

A new group "Remote access" has been added that unites actions for working with remote computers. Available actions are:

  • "Create a connection", allowing you to create a connection to a remote desktop.
  • "Get a list of processes", allowing you to get a list of names of running workflows from the remote desktop.
  • "Disable the process", allowing you to terminate the specified workflow on the remote desktop.
  • "Disconnect the connection", allowing you to terminate the RDP session of the remote desktop.


To use the "Get a list of processes" and "Disconnect the connection" actions, TCP ports 445 and 135 must be open on the machine to which the RDP connection is established.

“Robin AI” action group

  • Added a new parameter "Source view of address element" to the "Extract addresses" action: if the parameter value is "true", the view of the address element will be specified as in the source text, and if it is "false", the normalized full view of the address element will be recorded in the dictionary.

New actions have been added to the "Extract named entities" subgroup:

  • "Extract dates", which allows you to search in text and extract dates.
  • "Extract full name" to the "Extract named entities" subgroup, allowing you to search in text and extract full names.
  • "Extract organizations", which allows you to search in the text and extract organizations.

“File system” action group

  • Improved python version of "Get folder contents" action, added ability to sort results by name, size, type, creation date and date of object modification.
  • Fixed errors in the "Archive" action on python that occurred when Cyrillic characters were present in the "Archive name", "Folder path", "File path" and "Save to" parameters.

“Processes” action group

  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Start process" action when the process cannot be started by process name.

“Excel” action group

  • Improved "Paste value from clipboard" action, now it is possible to paste text values copied not only by "Copy range to clipboard" action, but also copied manually or by "Copy text to clipboard" action.
  • Fixed possible freezing of opened Excel processes.

“JSON” action group

  • Improved the "Get values" action, fixed a bug that occurred when passing the result to python or .net actions.

“Office” action group

  • Fixed an error in the "Get number of rows" action when calculating the number of rows in a document with empty rows.

“Word” action group

New actions added.

  • "Add image", allowing you to add an image to a specified area of a Word document.
  • "Insert footer", which allows you to paste a header or footer into a Word document.
  • "Insert table", which allows you to paste a table into the specified area of the Word document.
  • "Create bookmark", which allows you to create a bookmark with a specified name at a specified location in the Word document.
  • "Format text", which allows you to format the text of a Word document.
  • "Get number of elements", which allows you to get the number of images, tables, symbols, words, or pages found in a Word document.
  • "Create bookmark", which allows you to create a bookmark with a specified name at a specified location in the Word document. The action can create a bookmark in the protected part of the document as well.

Improved actions:

  • "Open", added "Password" parameter to enter password for working with protected documents.
  • Take text", "Take footer", "Take table", "Take tab", "Take bookmark", now actions can get the specified data from the whole document, including the locked part.
  • The "Replace text" and "Enter text" actions have been improved, now actions can work with the unblocked part of the document. For example, you can fill in forms and questionnaires where a part of the document is blocked for editing.

“Text Recognition” action group

New actions have been added to the "Dbrain OCR" subgroup. The subgroup actions are designed to work with Dbrain OCR (https://dbrain.io/):

  • "Find documents in a file", which allows you to find different types of documents in the source file and save them as separate files.
  • "Extract data from a document", which allows you to recognize and extract data from a specified document into a dictionary. Recognition of CIS countries passport (pages 1 and 5) and Russian individual personal account insurance number is supported.
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