Remove elements of a collection Version 10 (Net)

Action group: Collections


The action removes the elements of the specified collection from the list.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
Main listList for processing.Robin.Collection
Second listThe list of removed elementsRobin.Collection

Special conditions of use


Example of use 


There is a variable "Collection 1" with values: 

and the variable "Collection 2" with values:

It is required to delete values in "Collection 1" that are contained in "Collection 2". Next, get the value at index "0" from "Collection 1" and display it in the dialog box. 


Use the "Remove elements of a collection", "Get value by index" and "Show message" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme consisting of actions:

  2. Set the parameters of the "Remove elements of a collection" action. 

  3. Set the parameters of the "Get value by index" action. 

  4. Set the parameters of the "Show message" action. 

  5. Start the robot using the "Start" button in the top panel. 


The robot completed successfully.

The items in "Collection 2" have been deleted from "Collection 1". The remaining value in "Collection 1" is displayed in the dialog box. 

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