Available in the section:

List of robots


Description of the robot table

The table on the page contains a list of ready robots that are published to the platform's remote storage. Only those robots to which you have configured access are displayed. For more information, see the section Access control.

Column name / button name


"Robot" column

The name of the robot is displayed

"Robot description" button

The button is located in the "Robot" column of all robots

The button opens a window with the robot's name and description:

The user fills in the robot description in the "Specification" window in ROBIN Studio before publishing the robot

Since the description refers to the robot as a whole and not to a specific version of the robot, there is a button only in the line with the robot name:

"Version" column

Each row displays a specific version of the robot. If the robot has several versions, each of them is located on a separate row in the table. At the same time, all versions are always displayed in the order of their publication - from the newest to the oldest from bottom/top:

The list of versions can be minimized or maximized using the or button.

 If the robot has only one version, this button is not available

Next to the version, there is an indicator that shows whether the host account needs a GUI to run this version of the robot. If  is displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if - it is not required

"Changes" column

Displays a description of the changes that have been made to a particular version of the robot

The user fills in the description of changes to the robot version in the robot publishing window in ROBIN Studio when publishing to the Orchestrator database

"Average time" column

If the robot version has been run less than 2 times, the column indicates "No data"

If this version of the robot has been run 2 or more times, the column shows the average run time for this version of the robot, which Orchestrator automatically calculated based on the run times of previous runs

"Author" columnThe name of the user who published the robot version. Different versions of the same robot can have different authors
"Date of publication" column

Displays the date and time when the robot version was published

"Start" button

The "Start robot" window opens as soon as you click More details about this window are described below

"Update" button


The records in the table are updated as soon as you click on it

Use the "Columns" dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Robot" and "Version" columns always displayed.

Manual robot start

To launch the robot you need:

  1. Choose the robot version that is need to change in the table.
  2. Click the "Start" button  in the line with the desired robot version. 
  3. Fill in the fields in the "Launching robot" window that opens.
  4. Click the "Start" button. Or click the "Cancel" button if you decide not to run the robot.

"Launching robot" window description

Button name / field name


Robot name

Name of the robot, one version of which will be launched

"Version" field

A dropdown list showing all versions of the robot that have been published to the Orchestrator database

Next to the version, there is an indicator that shows whether the host account needs a GUI to run this version of the robot. If s displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if image-2024-5-29_12-42-59.png - it is not required

"Logging level" field

A dropdown list that displays the possible options for the logging levels of the workflow that the robot will execute

Default value: "Business"

Available values:

  • Business
  • Robot developer
  • Debugging
  • Information
  • Warning
  • Error
  • No
"Host" fieldA dropdown list that displays the names and IP addresses of hosts for which there is data in the platform database. Only hosts to which you have configured access are displayed (see Access control section for more details)
"Account" fieldA dropdown list of accounts:
  • to which you have configured access
  • that belong to the host specified in the "Host" field

To be able to edit the current field, the host in the "Host" field must be selected

Block with fields "Setting the input parameters of the robot"

If the selected robot version has input parameters, the window will display a subsection "Customizing robot input parameters" with fields to fill in these parameters:

  • with type"String":
  • with type"Boolean":
  • with type"Number":

The number of fields is equal to the number of input variables specified in the robot. The name of each such field corresponds to the name of the variables. Next to the field there is a hint about the field's data type

If the robot has parameters with any other data type than these 3, they will not be displayed

The presence of the warning does not prevent the robot from running or displaying fields of type "String", "Number" and/or "Boolean".

"Cancel" button

When clicked, a window appears confirming that the start is canceled:

"Start" buttonIf all mandatory fields are filled in, the workflow of the robot starts when you click on it

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