A group of actions: None

The action extracts values of the cells from the specified area of the page anf returns data as a table


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for ods/xlsx documentRobin.OpenSheetD oc Yes
Start cell rowThe string of the starting cell (beginning of the range) from which the area will be set. If the field is empty, then the border of the used area is taken.Robin.Numeric No
End cell rowThe string of the end cell (end of the range) to which the copied area will be set. If the field is empty, then the border of the used area is takenRobin.Numeric No
Start cell columnThe column of the starting cell (beginning of the range) from which the area will be set. If the field is empty, then the border of the used area is takenRobin.String No
Destination cell columnThe column of the end cell (end of the range) to which the copied area will be set. If the field is empty, then the border of the used area is takenRobin.String No
HeadingIf the value is «true», the table header will be inserted into the document along with its rows.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Remove duplicate headerIf the value is «true», indexes will be added to the same column names in the header of the resulting table. Numbering starts from 1.Robin.BooleantrueNo
ResultThe variable to which the range data will be writtenRobin.DataTable  
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