What’s new

«Date Conversion» action group

  • Added the «Get date element» action, which allows you to get the necessary element from the selected date.
  • Added the «Result Type» property to the «Subtract Date» action, which allows you to select the result type.
  • Removed the «Format» property in the «Date from String» action.

The subgroups «Element properties» and «Simple actions with elements» have been redesigned into the subgroup «Elements and properties» of the «Browsers» group.

«Browsers» action group, «Elements and Properties» subgroup

  • Added the «Without spaces» property to the «Get Text» action, which allows you to remove extra spaces and whitespace characters.
  • Added the «Element text type» property to the «Get Text» action, which allows you to get all text content.
  • Added the «Get elements» action, which allows you to get collections of all elements that meet the specified conditions in a variable.
  • Added the «Attribute name from the list» property to the «Get element attribute» action, which allows you to select the type of attribute whose value you want to find out.
  • Added the «Attribute name» property to the «Get Element Attribute» action, which allows you to manually specify the attribute.
  • Added the «Select attribute name» property to the «Set Element attribute» action, which allows you to select the type of attribute whose value you want to find out.
  • Added the «Attribute name» property to the «Set Element attribute» action, which allows you to manually specify the attribute.
  • The property «Property style name» has been added to the «Element property style» action, which allows you to specify the name of the style property whose value you want to find out;
  • The property «Property style name» has been added to the «Set element property style» action, which allows you to specify the name of the style property whose value you want to set.
  • Added the property «Style property value» to the «Set element property style» action, which allows you to specify the value of the style property.
  • Added the «Internal Values» property to the «Get List value» action, which allows you to select the internal values of the list in the resulting collection.
  • Added the «Without spaces» property to the «Get List value» action, which allows you to set the need to remove extra spaces.
  • Added the «Set list value» action, which allows you to set the options selected in the list for a scrollable or drop-down list (Select element).
  • Renamed the «Get element coordinates» action to «Get element rectangle».
  • Added the «Visible» property to the «Is element enabled» action, which allows you to set a sign of the need to check visibility.
  • Added the «Available» property to the «Is element enabled» action, which allows you to set the sign of the need to check availability.
  • Added the «Result» property to the «Is element enabled» action, which allows you to save the result of the action.
  • Added the «Get Table» action that allows you to get a table into a variable.
  • Removed actions: «Get the item type», «Check if the item is selected», «Mark the item selected», «Get the value of the checkbox», «Get the value of the radio button», «Clear the item», «Get the value», «Set the value».

«Browsers» action group, «Mouse and Keyboard» subgroup

  • Renamed the «Advanced Click» action to «Send click».
  • Added the «Hot keys» property to the «Send Click» action, which allows you to set a list of hot keys.
  • Added the «X axis offset» property to the «Send Click» action, which allows you to set the X-axis offset relative to the upper-left corner of the element.
  • Added the «Y axis offset» property to the «Send Click» action, which allows you to set the Y-axis offset relative to the upper-left corner of the element.
  • Added the «Quick Input» property to the «Send text» action, which allows you to note the need for the possibility of quick input for large volumes of text.
  • The «Hot keys» property has been removed in the «Send text»action.
  • The «Send hot keys» action has been added, which allows you to emulate pressing hot keys on a page on a browser page.
  • Renamed the «Scroll to Element» action to «Move to element».
  • Added the «Horizontal Offset» property to the «Move to Element» action, which allows you to specify the number of pixels to scroll to the right in the horizontal direction.
  • Added the «Move to element» action, which allows you to emulate hovering the mouse pointer over the selected element.
  • Removed properties: «Chain of actions», «Chain of actions» as a result of the action «Move to element».
  • Removed actions: «Click», «Enter text», «Send keystroke», «Drag».

Added the «Get elements» action (GetElementList) to the Browsers group.

«Browsers» action group, «Timeout» subgroup

  • Added the «WaitElementAttribute» action, which allows you to check the state of the element selection at the end of the timeout, depending on the passed parameter.
  • Added the «WaitElementCssValue» action, which allows you to check the state of the element selection at the end of the timeout, depending on the passed parameter.
  • Added the «Use all text content» property to the «Waiting for element text» action, which allows you to select all text.
  • Added the «Timeout» property to the «Waiting for element text» action, which allows you to set the waiting time.
  • Added the «Title contains» action, which allows you to check the existence of text in the element after the timeout is completed.
  • Added the «Waiting for element to exist» action, which allows you to check the existence of an element on the page after the timeout is completed.
  • Added the «Waiting for missing element» action, which allows you to check the fact that the element is missing from the DOM after the timeout ends.
  • Removed actions: «Waiting for the visibility of an element», «Waiting for the clickability of the ability to click on an element», «Waiting for the invisibility of an element», «Waiting for the invisibility of an element with text», «Waiting for the visibility of a group of elements», «Waiting for the existence of a group of elements».

«Text» action group

  • The «Composite format string» property has been added to the «Composite formatting» action, which allows you to specify a string in which text substitution places are designated as {x}, where x is the ordinal number of the object in the collection.
  • The «Objects collection to format» property has been added to the «Composite formatting» action, which allows you to specify a collection of objects whose text representation will replace the {x} designations in the specified line in accordance with their ordinal numbers.
  • Added the «Spaces as emptiness» property to the «Check for null and void» action, which allows you to specify a sign: if the text contains only whitespace characters, consider it empty.


The «Get random number» action has been moved from the «Text» group to the «Base Actions» group. The work of the «Alert windows» subgroup of the «Browsers» group has been stabilized.

Common Studio components

  • Implemented the ability to transfer the «Object» type to the input to all actions.
  • The operation of the Web-recorder has been stabilized.
  • The launch of robots in the player from ROBIN Orchestrator has been stabilized.
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