Is cell empty Version 1 (Python)

Action group: Office


The action checks that there is no value in the cell

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for ods/xlsx documentRobin.OpenSheetD oc
Column of the cellThe column of the cell in which the absence of values will be checkedRobin.String
Row of the cellCell string to check for the absence of valuesRobin.Numeric
ResultThe variable in which the value from the cell will be written. If the cell: empty, then - «True (True)», filled, then - «False (False)».Robin.Booleantrue

Special conditions of use


Example of use


There is an Excel-document with values in it. It is required to check if the value in cell C3 is filled. And then display a dialog box with the message "The cell is empty" or "The cell is filled". 


Use the actions "Open", "Is cell empty", "Save", "Show message".


  1. Assemble a robot consisting of actions: 

  2. Set the parameters for the "Open" action: 
    Specify the path to the Excel file in the Path to File field.
  3. Set parameters for the "Is cell is empty" action: 
    In the Context field, specify the context of the open Excel document. 
    In the "Column of the cell" and "Row of the cell" fields, specify the values C and 3, respectively. 
    In the "Result" field, specify the previously created variable "boolean variable". 

  4. Set the parameter for the "Save" action. 

  5. Настроить параметр для действия "Если":

  6. Set parameters for the "Show message" action (for the "Truth" branch)

  7. Next, for the "False" branch.

  8. The final result of the "If" action should look like this:

  9. Launch the robot using the "Start" button in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully.

The cell fill alert is displayed in a dialog box. 

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