For ease of debugging scenarios, an additional panel is provided for actions, where you can customize the debugging parameters of the action.

This panel will be displayed if you right-click the highlighted action in the robot diagram while customizing the robot scenario:

Let's take a closer look at it:


Ordinal number


Button name

Button assignment


BreakpointActivating the option will stop the execution of the scheme before the selected action

Soft stopWhen the action option is activated, pressing a similar button on the debug panel (while the robot is executing) will cause the script to "soft stop" at that action (execution will stop completely). The scenario execution will not stop immediately after pressing the button, but when the scenario execution reaches the step labeled "Soft Stop"

Turn on / Turn offAllows you to activate/deactivate an action (deactivated action is colored red). The deactivated action is not executed during scenario operation

Start fromPressing the button will attempt to run the script from the selected action. The action can be launched if the results of previous runs of the script have been obtained and saved. You can save the results of previous runs by checking the "Save results" checkbox in the debug panel

CommentAllows you to leave a comment against an action

RemoveRemoves an action from the scheme

UngroupAllows you to extract an action from the group. Displayed only when the action is located in an action group

Open scenarioAllows you to view nested sub-scenarios. Displayed only when the action is located in an action group


GroupWhen this button is clicked, the action will be placed in the action group. Displayed only when the action is not placed in an action group

 Grouping/ungrouping actions as well as viewing nested scenarios are described here:

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