What's new

ROBIN Studio


  • Added the ability to work with multiple scripts in one studio window. Now you can open several robot projects in neighboring tabs and work with them independently.
  • Added ability to copy actions from one robot project to another if they are opened in tabs of the same studio.
  • Added the ability to use multiple parameters for "Merge" actions of the "Text" group and "Add elements" actions of the "Arrays" group.
  • Now, in order to join a string of several strings or add several elements to a collection at once, a single action is enough.
  • The window title has been changed to the form "Robin Studio {version} {open robot name}".
  • The orientation of the Resource Panel tabs has been changed to vertical.


  • Fixed behavior when navigating the layout with the mouse wheel, no more side shifting or zooming.
  • In the Studio settings on the Browsers tab, the location of elements has been changed, some elements are no longer inaccessible at small screen resolution or large scale.
  • Fixed a bug that caused paths with Cyrillic characters in python actions to be incorrectly converted and could not be used in other platforms.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when using variables when the first action in the schema used python.
  • Fixed a number of errors that occurred when switching engines where python was present related to the preparation of engine resources.
  • Changed the rule of naming folders with robot execution logs, now robot logs are written to the folder with the name of the robot, the name can be cut off if it is too long.
  • Fixed a bug that when installing the studio with English language, the actions were in Russian.
  • Fixed "Content is not allowed in prolog" error that could occur when using java actions.

Robin Studio Low-Code

  • Fixed bug with importing and exporting actions with spaces in the path (Exporting and importing actions is available in the burger menu after opening a robot project).

ROBIN Player

  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to remove robots from the catalog only if the localization of the player was the same as when the robot was added.
  • Fixed a bug with robots hanging in the player list and inability to launch them further on schedule.
  • Fixed bug with robots hanging in the player list when video recording is enabled.

"Tables" action group

  • Improved "Filter" action, fixed an error that could cause an error when using a filter.

"SAP" action group

  • Added new action "Get a table row", which allows you to get a collection of values from a table row. It is set by element - table and row number in the table.

"Robin OCR" action group

The actions of the "ROBIN OCR" group are designed to work with the ROBIN OCR product supplied separately.

  • Added a new action "Process text from image", which allows you to recognize text from an image. In addition to extracting text, it can save an image with text selected by rectangles.
  • Improved "Extract data to table" action, fixed a number of errors that could occur when using the action, improved recognition accuracy.

"Windows" action group

  • Improved "Get active window name" action, fixed a bug that caused the timeout specified in the action to be ignored.

"Browsers" action group

  • Added Russian localization for errors that may occur when working with web spy.
  • Fixed an error when using web recorder, when Ctrl+click on a text field recorded an action with empty parameters.
  • Fixed a bug in the "Open browser" action that occurred when specifying the result of a python folder action in the "Save to" parameter.
  • Added automatic closing of drivers used during launch of web spy in cases of incorrect termination of the spy.

"Office" action group

  • The "Set column values" and "Set row values" actions from the "Tabular documents" group have been improved; incorrect behavior when passing a row instead of a collection has been fixed.

"Dialogs" action group

  • Improved .net version of the "Message" action, now the message box always appears on top of all windows at launch.

"Integrations" action group

  • Improved "MQ connect" action, fixed an error when connecting to the Kafka server that could occur in the Setup For All Users option.
  • Improved the "Setup Connection" action from the "Chatbots" subgroup, fixed an error when connecting to the chatbots server that could occur in the For All Users installation option.

"Collections" action group

  • The "Add element" action from the "Arrays" subgroup has been improved, now it is possible to add several elements of a collection with one action.

"Dates' conversion" action group

  • Improved the python version of the "Get current date" action, now it returns a correct date representation that can be used in other actions.
  • Improved "Get date element" action, added "Quarter" option to the dropdown list.

"File system" action group

  • Improved "Get file info" action, added "Name with extension" option to the "Property" drop-down list, changed "Type" option to "Extension".
  • Improved version of "File copy" action in python, when specifying file name without extension in "New name" parameter, extension of source file is saved if destination folder is unavailable, action crashes with error instead of successful completion.
  • Improved python version of the "File move" action, when specifying a file name without extension in the "New name" parameter, the extension of the source file is preserved if the destination folder is inaccessible, the action crashes with an error instead of successful completion, and the source file is not deleted.
  • Improved "Search file" action, added possibility to use wildcard characters in file name (* and ?).
  • Improved "Check file existence" action, added possibility to use wildcards in file name (* and ?).

"Text" action group

  • Improved versions of "Check template match" action on java and .net, fixed work when using start and end of line pointers in a template for multiline text.
  • Improved "Merge" action. It is now possible to concatenate multiple string parameters with one action.
  • Added new parameters: Separator, Text.

"Text recognition" action group

  • Improved "Get text from PDF" action from "Tesseract OCR" subgroup, improved text recognition in single table cells (place for user data input in documents).
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