Recognize Version 7 (.Net)

Action group: Browsers


The action allows you to recognize text in an image using ABBYY FlexiCapture web service.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
Graphic fileThe path to the graphic file from which you want to extract the text contentRobin.FilePath
Url to FlexiСapture web-serviceUrl to Flexi capture web-service for authorizationRobin.String
LoginLogin for authorization on the FlexiCapture web serviceRobin.String
PasswordPassword for authorization on the FlexiCapture web serviceRobin.Password
Role IDFlexiCapture Operator Role IDRobin.String
Station type IDFlexiCapture Station type IDRobin.String
Project name or GuidFlexiCapture project name or GuidRobin.String
Batch type IDFlexiCapture batch type IDRobin.String
User or group IDUser or group ID - the owner of the batchRobin.String
Export stage IDExport stage IDRobin.String
File extensionFile extension to saveRobin.String
Attachments folderAttachments folderRobin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgNo
ResultRecognition result (key/value pairs)Robin.Dictionary

Path to result fileath to result file of recognitionRobin.FilePath

Special conditions of use

Pre-registration is required for the action to work

The action can be applied when extracting data from fields (for example, passport data). As a result of the action we will get a dictionary in "key-value" format, where key - field name, value - data from the field.

The graphical document must have one of the following file formats: jpg, pdf, png, bmp, djvu, gif, jpc, pcx, pptx, tiff, xps

Specifics on filling in the parameters:

Login and Password fields - login and password from the administration and monitoring console.

Project Name or Guid field - can be viewed in the Administration and Monitoring Console on the Projects tab. 

The "Connection Role ID" field - can be viewed in the developer help in the "RoleType" window.

The "Station Type ID" field - can be viewed in the Developer Help in the "WorkstationType" window. 

Export Stage ID field - can be viewed in the Processing Stage Type window. 

Field "Batch Type ID", "User or Group ID" - view via Abbyy database. If the search is performed for the "Batch Type ID" field, the data is in the BatchType table. If the search is performed for the "User or Group ID" field, the data is in the Principal table.


Example of use


Recognize text in an image using ABBYY FlexiCapture web service.


Use the actions "Recognize".


  1. Move the "Recognize" action to the workspace.

Fill in the action parameters:

  1. "Graphic file" parameter - specify the path to the graphic file from which you want to extract the text;
  2. "Url to FlexiCapture web server" parameter - specify the link to authorize on the FlexiCapture web server;
  3. "Login" parameter - login for authorization on the FlexiCapture web server;
  4. "Password" parameter - the password for authorization on the FlexiCapture web server;
  5. "Role ID" parameter - specify the role ID of the FlexiCapture operator;
  6. "Station Type ID" parameter - specify the ID of the FlexiCapture station type;
  7. "Project name or Guid" parameter - specify the FlexiCapture project name or ID;
  8. "Batch type ID" parameter - specify the FlexiCapture package type ID;
  9. "User or group ID" parameter - specify the owner ID of the FlexiCapture package;
  10. "Export Stage ID" parameter - specify the FlexiCapture export stage ID;
  11. "File extension" parameter - select from the drop-down list the file extension to be returned from the server. The following types are available:
    1. xlsx;

    2. xls;

    3. xml;
    4. json;
    5. csv;
    6. txt;
    7. dbf.
  12. "Attachments folder" parameter  - specify the path to the folder where the attachment received from the server will be saved.
    Example of filling in the fields: 

3. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel. 


The program robot completed successfully

The result of the action is a dictionary with the recognition result in key-value format and the path to the file with the recognition result.

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