To configure and set up the program using the utility

RobinLdbConfigUpdater.exe you should perform the following actions:

Attention! Before configuring parameters it is recommended to close all Platform applications.

  1. Launch cmd command line interpreter.
  2. Launch Robin Platform-WO_ENV_mix-2.0.0-RTM-Enterprise.exe
  3. Launch the utility:
    Robin Platform\2.0.0\Utils\RobinLdbConfigUpdater.exe
    If the utility is launched without parameters, the cmd window will contain a list of parameters for software configuration.
  4. To change the software configuration, enter a command of the form:
    Robin Platform\2.0.0\Utils\RobinLdbConfigUpdater.exe --RobinServer="" --RmsUriScheme="https"
    The table below provides information about the Software Configuration Utility options.

Software Configuration Utility options






"Silent" software installation for all users




"Silent" installation of the software for the current user


Forced skipping of the check for the presence of Net Core 5 installed

--RobinServer=" "

Address of the central (RMS) server

--RmsUriScheme=" "

Scheme of work with RMS - allowed values http/https

--RmsUriPort=" "

RMS server port

--RabbitUriScheme=" "

Scheme of work with RabbitMQ - allowed values amqp/amqps

--RabbitPort=" "

Port for Rabbit connection

--RabbitLogin=" "

Login for Rabbit connection

--RabbitPassword=" "

Password for Rabbit connection

--LdapBaseServerDn=" "

Base Distinguished Name DN LDAP tree in the form of dc=xx,dc=yyy,dc=zz....

--LdapBaseUserDn=" "

DN of the user in the LDAP tree as cn=xxx,cn=yyyy....

--ClientToken=" "

Client token (for cloud installations only)


Packet cache management (Enterprise/Cloud)

The table below shows the parameters that are required to configure the connection to the LDAP server.

Commands of software configuration



LdapBaseServerDn in format dn=xxx dс=yyy

Setting to connect to an LDAP server

LdapBaseUserDn in format

cn=users cn=account

Configuring access to a folder on the LDAP server where user data is stored


Setting for authorization by login and password, by entering the

User:Kerberos command allows to perform authorization

with Windows account


Connection port to LDAP server


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