What's new

ROBIN Studio

  • Added the ability to scroll the list of resources when debugging the robot.
  • Improved the mechanism of displaying hints to parameters and results of actions: as long as the cursor is over a question mark, the hint is shown without time limit.
  • Robot launch has been improved: the robot will not launch if the mandatory action parameters are not filled in. The list of parameters itself is displayed on the "Error list" tab (by default, it is located at the bottom of the Studio window, next to the "Log" tab). If you double-click on a line of this list, the working area focuses on the corresponding action. Incomplete parameters of disabled actions are not taken into account.
  • Added non-strict match search for actions in the robot, robot names, actions on the diagram, robot names in the repository (for Cloud and Enterprise versions), logs on the logs panel and search for actions and contexts through the menu.
  • Added the ability to set values for input parameters for the following types: "Hotkeys", "Path
  • to folder", "Path to file", "Collection", "Dictionary".
  • Migrated from Oracle JDK 8 to Liberica JDK 8 (included in the register of domestic software).
  • Optimized opening of large robot scripts.
  • Fixed behavior that caused comments not to be removed from actions.
  • Clicking now works across the entire "Action group" and "Try-Catch" action area.
  • Fixed errors in how saving the results of actions works. A browser opening bug when the "Save results" checkbox is checked has been fixed.
  • Visual display of web elements names when changing names has been fixed.


  • Studio logs moved to the folder %USERPROFILE% / AppData / Roaming / Robin Platform / 2.0.0 / Studio / Logs
  • Player logs moved to the folder %USERPROFILE% / AppData / Roaming / Robin Platform / 2.0.0 /RobotPlayer / Logs

You can quickly access the platform and robot logs by clicking the "Logs" button in the toolbar in Studio.


Fixed possible problems with license file validation. Now the license file should also be placed in the folder with Robin Agent: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent

ROBIN Player

  • Fixed a bug causing the player to close spontaneously if there was a problem with log transfer to the "Launch history" panel.
  • Fixed a bug that, in some cases, caused several robots to launch simultaneously on a schedule instead of just one.

"Excel" action group

Finalized actions:

  • "Open", added a new option "Save changes". If the checkbox is checked, actions that modify the contents of a file will automatically save the changes in the file after execution.
  • "Sort", added "Sort column name" and "Sort column index" parameters: sorting of the area will be performed by the values in this column. If not filled in, the data from the first column of the sorted range will be used.
  • "Get table", fixed an error with data conversion that could occur when extracting a table.
  • "Run external macro", fixed an error that made it impossible to launch the same macro several times.
  • "Run macro", fixed a bug due to which a macro saved in a personal macro book was not executed when launched from another excel file other than the one where it was saved. Now it is executed without errors and notifications.
  • "Set row data", fixed a bug that caused the action to not work without specifying the start and/or end columns of the range.
  • "Row data", fixed a bug that caused the action not to work without specifying the start and/or end columns of the range.
  • "Set column data":
    • Fixed a bug that caused the value to always be set to the first row, now the row number is used which is specified in the "Start row number" parameter.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the action not to work if a column is specified as part of a table (created in Insert>Table menu).

"SAP" action group

  • Fixed a bug that could cause SapSpy to stop transmitting data to a win element after a long run.

"Windows" action group

  • Added a new action "Checking if the window exists" to check if the item exists.
  • Added a new "Simulate input" parameter for the "Enter text" action, which will allow you to enter text into win-elements for which there is no way to get the exact encoding used.
  • Added the ability to change the order number of an element (Order/Order property) during robot execution, for example, by substituting variable values there.
  • To simplify work with several windows of one application, a property with window sequence number has been added to WinSpy.
  • Fixed behavior of the "Close window if exists" action, now the action works successfully if the specified window does not exist.

"Outlook" action group

  • Added a new action "Save message template" that allows you to create a template of a message and save it in the following formats: txt, oft, msg, html, mht.
  • Added a new action "Get information letter" that allows to get information about a letter. The result will be a dictionary with the keys Sender, Addressees, Copy, Date/Time received, Subject, Body.

"Browsers" action group

  • Updated the driver for Google Chrome to version 108.
  • Added ability to record actions in Web Recorder and capture items in WebSpy for Yandex.Browser. The RobinPlugin.crx extension must be installed beforehand (located in the folder ".../ Robin Platform / 2.0.0 / Utils / WebSpy / RobinPlugin.crx"). In the extension itself, add the ability to open links.

"Base actions" action group

  • The "Try-Catch" action has been improved, the error that caused finally block not to be executed if the error was not handled in any of the catch blocks or did not occur at all has been fixed. Now the finally block is always executed, regardless of whether an error occurred and was processed. Now the robot is terminated if the error that occurred in the try block was not processed in any of the catch blocks.

"Office" action group

  • Added a new action "Set row value" that allows you to set the value of a row.
  • Added a new "Set column value" action that allows you to set the value of a column.
  • Fixed an error that occurred when working with columns starting with "X" in the actions "Copy area to buffer", "Paste values from buffer", "Clear cell", "Get data from column", "Get data from row", "Get value from cell", "Check if cell is empty", "Set cell value", "Set column value", "Set row value", "Filter data", "Get number of rows", "Get table", "Find text".
  • Fixed an error when setting the DateTime value in the "Set row values" and "Set column values" actions.
  • Fixed an error in the "Get data from column" action that caused the action to add an empty cell after each found data cell.

"Vision" action group

  • In the "Find text on screen" action, the behavior that caused the returned coordinates to be incorrect in some cases has been fixed.

"Email" action group

  • Improved the "Get message" action, fixed a bug that caused an error with the IMAP server type and .Mail.ru mail type
  • Added new java actions that are functionally similar to .net actions.
    • Connection settings.
    • Send message
    • Receive message.

New actions are intended for use on Windows and Linux operating systems.


The "Reply", "Send message", "Receive message" actions must be in the same language as the action "Connection settings".

"Tables" action group

  • Added new python versions of actions:
    • Count the number of rows.
    • Get data from a cell.

"File system" action group

  • Improved python versions of "Find file" and "Find folder" actions, fixed a bug that could cause actions to return an incorrect path list.

"Text" action group

  • Optimized and accelerated execution of "Retrieve full name" and "Retrieve addresses" actions.

"Text recognition" action group

Parameters have been added to the "Extract data to table" action.

  • "Parameters" that allows you to change segmentation parameters as well as other parameters related to the tesseract configuration.
  • "Algorithm", which allows to extract only text, or to recognize tables with boundaries, or to recognize all blocks of data.
  • "Extract data to table" adds the "Sign" parameter, when activated, the word "Block" with the sequence number of this block will be added before each recognized table or text block.
  • The "Extract data to table" option has been added to recognize all data from a multi-page document; to do so, leave the "Page number" field blank.
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