Get the number of tabs Version 1 (Java)

Action group: Browsers


The action returns the number of tabs in the browser.

Action icon


Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for browser operationsRobin.SeleniumBrowser contextYes
ResultThe number of tabs in the browserRobin.Numeric

Special conditions of use

The action will not fail if there are no open tabs in the browser other than the browser home page.

Tab groups will be counted by the number of tabs inside. A group does not count as one tab.

If you put tabs in a group and ask the group to open in a new window, the tabs in the new window will still be counted because the context remains shared. And if you try to close the context (browser), all windows generated from it will be closed. 

Example of use


Open two tabs in a browser, switch to the first one and refresh it.


Use the "Open Browser", "Navigate", "Get the number of tabs" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.
  2. Set the "Open browser" action parameter.
  3. Set the "Navigate" action parameters.
  4. Set the "Get the number of tabs" action parameter.
  5. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully.

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