Extract bank data Version 3 (Net)

Action group: Text, subgroup: NER


This action is used to extract bank data from the text. The following data can be extracted: TIN, KPP, account number, BIC.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
TextText for analysis.Robin.String
ResultCollection of extracted data. If the same entity appears several times in the text, it will be written once in the resulting array.Robin.Collection

Special conditions of use

If the same entity appears more than once in the text, it will be recorded once in the resulting array.

Example of use


There is a text:

Settlement account of the organization OOO Romashka:

S/a 40602810206000050025 OAO Uraltorgbank of Russia, Ryazan.

Director General: Ivanov Vadim Yuryevich

Phone/e-mail +7 (4912) 21-66-99


You need to extract bank data from text and display it in a dialog box. 


Use the actions " Extract bank data", "Show message", "Get value by index". 


  1. Create a variable "Collection" to which the result of the " Extract bank data" action will be written. 

  2. Move the "Extract bank data" action to the workspace.

  3. Fill in the "Text" parameter of the "Extract bank data" action.
  4. Add the variable "Collection" to the result.

  5. Move the "Get value by index" action to the workspace.

  6. Set the parameters of the "Get value by index" action.

  7. Move the "Show message" action to the workspace.
  8. Set the parameters of the "Show message" action.
    In the "Message text" field add the result of the "Get value by index" action.

  9. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel.  


The program robot completed successfully. The required value is displayed in the dialog box.


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