A group of actions: Excel

The action extracts values of the cells from the specified area of the page anf returns data as a table.

Action icon


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel documentRobin.ExcelExcel contextYes
Start cellThe address of the starting cell (start of the range) from which the region will be set. Fill in the format «XY», where «X» is the column number and «Y» is the line number. If the field is not filled, then the border of the used area is taken. The «R1C1» link style is not supported.Robin.String No
End cellEnd cell address (end of range) to which the region will be set. Fill in the format «XY», where «X» is the column number and «Y» is the line number. The «R1C1» link style is not supported. If the field is not filled, then the border of the used area is taken.Robin.String No
Skip hiddenBoolean variable. If the parameter value is True, then only visible rows and columns are returned, otherwise - everything.Robin.BooleantrueNo
ResultThe variable in which the range data will be writtenRobin.DataTable  
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