Action group:  Excel Set range format

Action icon


  • 8 (net)

Action sets the format of cells from the specified range





Example of filling in

Obligatory to fill in the field



Action context for working with an Excel document

Excel instance

Excel context


Start cell column nameThe column name of the start cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the value from the "Start cell column index" field is taken.String
Start cell column indexColumn index of the start cell (beginning of the range) from which the area will be set. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the used area is taken.Numeric
Start cell rowRow of the start cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the used area is taken.Numeric
End cell column nameThe name of the end cell column of the range. If the field is not filled in, the value from the "End cell column index" field is taken.String
End cell column indexThe column index of the end cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the used area is taken.Numeric
End cell rowRow of the end cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the area to be used is taken. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is bounded by these cells will be used. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is limited to these cells will be used.Numeric
FormatThe format to be set in the selected cells.String
Format mask

A mask to create a custom format. Rules for custom format masks:

1) Any custom text (kg, per, pcs, etc.) or symbols (including spaces) must be enclosed in quotation marks.

2) You can specify several (up to 4) different format masks using semicolons. Then the first of the masks will be applied to the cell if the number in the cell is positive, the second if it is negative, the third if the cell content is zero, and the fourth if the cell contains not a number but text.

3) 0 (zero) - one mandatory placeholder (digit), i.e. this place in the format mask will be filled with a digit from the number that the user will enter into the cell. If there is No number for this character space, zero will be output. For example, if the mask 0000 is applied to the number 12, 0012 will be output, and if the mask 0.00 is applied to the number 1.3456, 1.35 will be output.

4) # (lattice) - one optional character - roughly the same as zero, but if there is a No number for the character, nothing is output.

5) (space) - used as a separator of groups of digits of three between thousands, millions, billions, etc.

6) [ ] - in square brackets before the format mask you can specify the font color. The following colors are allowed: black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, light blue.



  • 7 (net)

Action sets the format of cells from the specified range





Example of filling in

Obligatory to fill in the field



Action context for working with an Excel document

Excel instance

Excel context


Start cell column nameColumn of the start cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the used area is taken.String
Start cell rowRow of the start cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the used area is taken.Numeric
End cell column nameColumn of the end cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the area to be used is taken. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is bounded by these cells will be used. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is limited to these cells will be used.String
End cell rowRow of the end cell of the range. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the area to be used is taken. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is bounded by these cells will be used. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is limited to these cells will be used.Numeric
FormatThe format to be set in the selected cells.String
Format mask

A mask to create a custom format. Rules for custom format masks: 

1) Any custom text (kg, per, pc, etc.) or characters (including spaces) must be enclosed in quotes.

2) You can specify several (up to 4) different format masks via semicolon. Then the first of the masks will be applied to the cell if the number in the cell is positive, the second - if it is negative, the third - if the cell content is zero and the fourth - if the cell contains not a number but text.

3) 0 (zero) - one mandatory placeholder (digit), i.e. this place in the format mask will be filled with a digit from the number that the user will enter into the cell. If there is No number for this character space, zero will be output. For example, if the mask 0000 is applied to the number 12, 0012 will be output, and if the mask 0.00 is applied to the number 1.3456, 1.35 will be output.

4) # (lattice) - one optional sign space - approximately the same as zero, but if you apply No number to the sign space, nothing is output.

5) (space) - used as a separator of groups of digits of three between thousands, millions, billions, etc.

6) [ ] - in square brackets before the format mask you can specify the font color. The following colors are allowed: black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, light blue.




  • 6 (net)
  • 5 (net)
  • 4 (net)
  • 3 (net)
  • 2 (net)
  • 1 (net)

Action sets the format of cells from the specified range





Example of filling in

Obligatory to fill in the field



Action context for working with an Excel document

Excel instance

Excel context


Start cellAddress of the start cell of the range. Fill in the format "XY", where "X" is the column number and "Y" is the row number. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the used area is taken.String
End cellAddress of the end cell of the range. Fill in the format "XY", where "X" is the column number and "Y" is the row number. If the field is not filled in, the boundary of the used area is taken. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is bounded by these cells will be used. If the address of the end cell is less than the address of the start cell, the area that is limited by these cells will be used.String
FormatThe format to be set in the selected cells.String
Format mask

A mask to create a custom format. Rules for custom format masks:

1) Any custom text (kg, per, pc, etc.) or characters (including spaces) must be enclosed in quotes.

2) You can specify several (up to 4) different format masks via semicolon. Then the first of the masks will be applied to the cell if the number in the cell is positive, the second - if it is negative, the third - if the cell content is zero and the fourth - if the cell contains not a number but text.

3) 0 (zero) - one mandatory placeholder (digit), i.e. this place in the format mask will be filled with a digit from the number that the user will enter into the cell. If there is No number for this character space, zero will be output. For example, if the mask 0000 is applied to the number 12, 0012 will be output, and if the mask 0.00 is applied to the number 1.3456, 1.35 will be output.

4) # (lattice) - one optional sign space - approximately the same as zero, but if you apply No number to the sign space, nothing is output.

5) (space) - used as a separator of groups of digits of three between thousands, millions, billions, etc.

6) [ ] - in square brackets before the format mask you can specify the font color. The following colors are allowed: black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, light blue.

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