In order to start working with the ONLYOFFICE editor you need to install the plugin.


The plugin is a program bridge and is designed for editing spreadsheets in ONLYOFFICE by robots.

Plugin installation

For correct launching of ONLYOFFICE actions under Windows OS it is necessary to add a plugin. To do this you need to:

Download the plugin Robin-plugin-OnliofficeCell.plugin or take it from the path %Localappdata%\Programs\Robin Platform\2.0.0\Utils (included in the distribution kit) by following a number of steps:

1. Install the ONLYOFFICE application.

2. Open the ONLYOFFICE application.

3. Select the Plugin tab, which, when clicked, will open the toolbar.

3. Select the plugin manager.

4. The Plugin Manager modal window will open, where you need to select the Available Plugins button, then Submit your own plugin.


5. When you click on the button, a pop-up window will open, in which you need to specify the path to the folder where the plugins are located. The plugin is transferred to the user when Studio is delivered and is located here.


6. In the Robin Platform utilities folder, you need to select the plugin and run it.

7. The Robin Robot Bridge for spreadsheet editor will appear in the plugin manager.

8. The ONLYOFFICE application is ready to work with the Robin platform.

When working with Linux OS, you should follow the instructions for working with Studio with Linux OS.

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