Working with blocks, block schemes, files, and links is described in the following scenarios:

  • Adding a block to a block scheme
  • Operations on a block
  • Auto-saving a Workflow Project scheme
  • Scenarios for working with files and links

Adding a block to the block scheme

The user uses the computer mouse to select a block from the blocks panel and drags the block onto the editor's workspace.

Block operations

Block selection

You can select a block in the workflow scheme by clicking on it: 

The block control "points" are located along the boundaries of the selected block:

  • white markers at border vertices - block resizing points
  • on the right side of the rectangle a red marker with a white cross - a button to remove the block scheme from it
  • green marker with ">" sign - point of outgoing connector (arrows)

Changing the block size

By dragging one of the white markers you can resize the block.

Deleting a block

By clicking on the red marker with a white cross you can remove a block from the scheme.

Connecting to a neighboring block

If you click on the green marker, a guide appears, which can be connected to any selected block in the scheme.

Block properties

When you select a block, a panel will appear to the right of the editor workspace, where you can set the block properties.  

The following properties are common for all blocks:

  • block name
  • block description
  • block dimensions
  • block fill color

Blocks can have properties specific to each of them. 

Input and resulting parameters of blocks

When working with parameters, it is important to understand the following issues:

  1. All blocks have input and resulting parameters:
    • Start

    • Robot

    • Screen Form

    • Workflow

  2. The "Finish" block has only resulting parameters.
  3. The "Start" and "Screen Form" blocks have the same resulting parameters as the input parameters.  These are the same parameters. It should be noted that input parameters do not contain values unlike resulting parameters, for example: input parameter - last name, resulting parameter - last name: Smith. Sometimes the input parameters of the "Start" block are called workflow parameters, which makes sense because they are available to all other blocks in the block scheme.
  4. Resulting parameters of "Robot" and "Workflow" blocks are not displayed in the properties of these blocks. But they are available by selecting values for the input parameters of other blocks. 

General scheme of linking input parameters of one block with results of other blocks

The main task is to link the results of some blocks to the input parameters of other blocks. 

Let's show how it is done on the example of a workflow, the scheme of which is presented in the following figure: 

Sequence of workflow steps:

  1. Block "Start";
  2. Next, the user task with "SF #1" is executed;
  3. Then the workflow is parallelized into 2 simultaneously executing branches. In one branch the robot "Adding two numbers" is executed, in the second branch the robot "Exponentiation" is executed;
  4. The results of execution of these robots are used in the "Adding two numbers" subprocess (in fact, there is only one robot "Adding two numbers");
  5. The workflow ends with the "Finish" block.

The plan of work with parameters is as follows:

  1. The "Start" block has one input parameter "s=2"
  2. The block "SF #1" has 2 parameters "a" and "b". The parameter "a" is bound to the parameter "s", and the parameter "b" will be set by the executor when working with SF.
  3. The block "Adding two numbers" has 2 input parameters - "a" and "b" and one output parameter "s". Parameters "a" and "b" respectively bind to the parameters "a" and "b" of the block "SF #1".
  4. The block "Exponentiation" has 2 input parameters - "x" and "n", where "x" is the base of degree and "n" is the exponent of degree. The block has one output parameter "y". Parameters "x" and "n" respectively bind to the parameters "a" and "b" of the block "SF #1".
  5. The second block "Adding two numbers" also has 2 input parameters - "a" and "b". The parameter "a" is bound to the result of the first block "Adding two numbers", i.e. to "s". And the parameter "b" is bound to the result of the block "Exponentiation", i.e. to y.  
  6. The "Finish" block will have one output parameter, which must be bound to the result of the second "Adding two numbers" block.

Let's illustrate it on the screenshots.

  1. First, create the input parameter of the "Start" block. To do this, click on the "Add parameter +" button located on the properties panel of this block. And then set the name and type of the parameter and its initial value, for example, 10. 

  2.  We do not need to create parameters for the block "SF #1", they are created automatically according to the internal specification of SF #1. We just bind parameter "a" to parameter "s", and parameter "b" will be set by the executor when working with SF: 

  3. In the first block "Adding two numbers", we bind the parameters "a" and "b" respectively to the parameters "a" and "b" of the block "SF #1": 

  4. In the "Exponentiation" block, we bind the parameters "x" and "n" to the parameters "a" and "b" of the "SF #1" block, respectively: 

  5. In the second block " Adding two numbers" we respectively bind the parameters "a" and "b" to the result "s" of the first block "Adding two numbers" and to the result "y" of the block "Exponentiation": 

  6. Finally, in the "Finish" block we set one output parameter equal to the output parameter "y" of the subprocess " Adding two numbers": 

Auto-saving of the workflow project scheme

The editor provides step-by-step auto-saving of the scheme in the database. This means that any update of the scheme - be it placing a block on the scheme or changing its properties - is immediately saved in the database. No user actions are required to save the scheme.

Changes in the scheme are saved automatically.

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